About us
Deafblind Denmark is an organization for people who have both visual and hearing impairments. We work for equal rights, equal opportunities and accessibility. We contribute with solutions where decisions are made, we offer counseling and local networks and ensure that deafblind people can meet and communicate in both sign language and speech.

DeafBlind Denmark is an organization consisting of deafblind people in Denmark. Here you can read more about the organization and our political aims.
DeafBlind Denmark was established on the 27th of June 1987 under the name Foreningen af Danske DøvBlinde (FDDB) and is working for better conditions - politically and socially - for deafblind people. DeafBlind Denmark was established by a group of deafblind people, and is lead by deafblind people and a secretariat placed in Høje Taastrup, near Copenhagen.
All year round we plan several social events, networking groups and different social and cultural activities as well as offering home visits where our deafblind counselors give advice to new deafblind people about how to deal with everyday as a deafblind.
During the last 25 years, DøvBlinde Danmark has run several projects for deafblinds. We have an IT and communication projcect that offers support and development of IT systems for deaf blind people, a system of networking groups with 18 groups all over the country, a group of deaf blind people giving lectures about how they deal with their life as deaf blinds and a project that arranges home visits for new deaf blinds who need personal support and advice from an experienced deaf blind counselor.
DeafBlind Denmark is a private organization financed primarily by private fundings and by governmental support to projects. In 2024 we have about 475 active members and 400 support members.
Cooperation with Nordic countries - the DBNSK
The Deafblind Nordic Cooperation Committee (DBNSK) is an organization that works on issues related to people with deafblindness in Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway and Sweden.
Based on the principle of equal worth of all people, DBNSK works for the right to full participation, equality, autonomy and self-determination for people with deafblindness in all areas of life in the Nordic countries.
DBNSK is also working for the Nordic countries to live up to what is stated in the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities.
Through cooperation to improve the living conditions of all people with deafblindness in all Nordic countries.
To exchange information about development and changes in the member countries.
Through projects in each organization to support people with deafblindness in developing countries.
Read more about our collaboration with international organizations.

We offer our members:
- Conferences & lectures
- Counseling & home visits
- Communication & Information technology
- Local networks for young ones and old ones
- Excursions & experiences
- Hiking trips & friendly atmosphere
- Accessibility
- Political agenda